外国語の災害情報(disaster information to forein langage)
From the websites below, you can check flyers for smartphone apps and websites that provide information on domestic natural disasters and weather warnings.
web site(ウェブサイト)
- NHK WORLD-JAPAN in 18 Languages(Multilingual)
- NHK NEWS WEB EASY (Easy Japanese)
- Japan Meteorological Agency(気象庁)(English)
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism(国土交通省)(English)
- Fire and Disaster Management Agency(総務省消防庁)(English)
"Safety Tips" the Push-enabled Information Alert App for Foreign Tourists(外国人旅行者向けプッシュ型災害情報発信アプリ「Safety tips」)
Safety tips is a free app developed under the supervision of the Japan Tourism Agency that notifies you of earthquake early warnings, tsunami warnings, volcanic early warnings, special weather warnings, civil protection information, evacuation advisories, etc. in Japan.
Disaster information pamphlet(パンフレット)
- Disaster Mitigation Points for Foreigners(Plain Japanese and Multilingual QR code)(外国人向け防災のポイント )
Cabinet Office website(内閣府ホームページ)
- Disaster information pamphlet (防災情報パンフレット(地震))
Niigata website(新潟県ホームページ)